Tuesday, 26 October 2010

christmas card design

so we have to design a christmas card not using the cliche symbols and images you usually see. i want to have a bit of fun with this i think and really do something brave and a bit stupid if you ask me, could get me into some trouble with certain people. basically i thought around peoples perceptions of christmas and then the actual story behind christmas, this being the birth of jesus. in my mind god took a helpless virgin and made her have a kid, my opinion on the story and others will criticise me for that opinion but it is that, an opinion. also god wasn't married to mary? he couldn't be cos she was married to poor bystander joseph surely? so that makes jesus technically a bastard, because he was born outside of a marriage? now this is very controversial and could possibly have the whole church hunting me down, but i think it will make a strong effective and very very different christmas card if i were to use simple type and put "i'm not being funny, but doesn't that make god a rapist and jesus a bastard?"............lord have mercy on my soul.

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